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Constance Lemuria Golf Course

02/04/2015 by .
Constance Lemuria Golf Course

Lemuria I’m told stands for Lost Land, better it should be renamed Lost Balls in my view such is the shock and awe you experience playing the Constance Lemuria golf course on Praslin Island in The Seychelles. This is the only 18 hole course on the islands and if looks are anything to go by, there can be nothing better in my opinion. She is quite simply a stunner.

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The 7 strangest golf courses in the World. Discover Weirdly wonderful Golf.

25/09/2014 by .
The strangest golf courses in the World in np particular order but all of them fabulously strange! nullarbor links 2

The 7 strangest golf courses in the World in no particular order but all of them fabulously strange!

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