
Exclusive guide to the best holiday destinations in Israel, independent reviews from award-winning travel writers

Mount Zion Hotel room shot2

Mount Zion Hotel. Jerusalem’s old lady is still going strong.

he Mount Zion served Moslems, Christians and Jews from all the Middle East when it first opened in 1882, and now offers its hospitality to guests of every faith from all over the world.

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Mizpe Hayamim Hotel

It’s unusual to find a luxury hotel that is so self-sufficient, practically all the food it serves is produced on-site. Self sufficiency aside, Mizpe Hayamim Spa Hotel is perhaps one of the most enchanting hotels I’ve experienced.

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Royal Beach Tel Aviv room

Royal Beach Tel Aviv

It may have been built with business travellers in mind, but the Royal Beach Tel Aviv gives its leisure-oriented competitors lining the Med a run for their money.

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Royal Beach Eilat credit Ori Akerman

Royal Beach Eilat

The Royal Beach Eilat may not be the only five-star hotel gracing the Red Sea resort’s broad and beautiful promenade, but it is certainly the most sophisticated.

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Waldorf-Astoria Jerusalem

Magnificent Waldorf-Astoria Jerusalem Reviewed

It had just started pouring with rain as I got out of my taxi, but this didn’t deter the doorman of the Waldorf Astoria Jerusalem one little bit. Clearly a man of magical abilities, he deferentially removed his top hat, gave me a beaming smile, greeted me like a long lost family member and made an umbrella appear all at the same time.

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The Clock Apartments Jaffa

Early morning in the ancient city of Jaffa and the streets are coming to back to life; the smell of freshly baked bread, car horns bleating from impatient drivers going to work, the sound of shop shutters being raised, a faint chant of a far off muezzin calling to prayer. This is the beating heart […]

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