Author Archives: Rupert Parker

Rupert Parker

Rupert Parker

Another Insider Guide To Guatemala. Fantastic volcanoes, Mayan ruins and colourful colonial towns.

22/07/2024 by .
Another Insider Guide To Guatemala

Rupert Parker Discovers Mayan Ruins, Classic Colonial Towns And Active Volcanoes In another Insider Guide to Guatemala

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Insider Guide To Missouri. Visit incredibly iconic places and Route 66.

08/07/2024 by .

A Sustainable Trip To Guernsey. Explore a beautiful less-travelled Channel Island.

24/06/2024 by .
Sustainable Trip To Guernsey

On his sustainable trip to Guernsey, Rupert Parker discovers exploring  by bike and on foot is an eco-friendly way to discover this Channel Island.

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Insider Guide To Zhangjiajie. Hunan’s natural wonders still amaze.

23/05/2024 by .

Insider Guide To The Wild East Of El Salvador

09/05/2024 by .
Rupert Parker Goes Off The Beaten Track To Explore the Wild East Of El Salvador, a  Haven Of Biodiversity.

Rupert Parker Goes Off The Beaten Track To Explore the Wild East Of El Salvador, a  Haven Of Biodiversity.

Read the full story here

Insider Guide To Nantes. Discover a magnificent city reinvented.

03/05/2024 by .
Insider Guide To Nantes

In his Insider Guide to Nantes, Rupert Parker Is Impressed By The Regeneration Of This French Industrial Port.

Read the full story here