Author Archives: Stuart Forster

Stuart Forster

Spectacular Mysore Dasara Festival

26/09/2016 by .

Malton Food Tour in North Yorkshire

06/09/2016 by .
SF TR Malton 014

Stuart Forster heads to Malton in North Yorkshire to participate in the inaugural Malton Food Tour. A gentleman wearing a cream coloured Malton Cookery School apron greets me with a cheery smile at the entrance to the Talbot Hotel. “I hope you’re hungry,” says Tom Naylor-Leyland, welcoming me onto the first Malton Food Tour.

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Visiting Gotha

05/09/2016 by .
SF Gotha 001

Stuart Forster takes a look at some of the reasons to make visiting Gotha in the east German state of Thuringia very worthwhile.

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Kambala Buffalo Racing in South India

21/04/2016 by .
SF Kambala 011

In India’s palm-rich south, where Karnataka and Kerala meet, kambala rather than cricket, is the most popular sport.Two pairs of buffaloes are raced head-to-head along specially prepared twin tracks in kambala, the sport of the people in the rural districts around Mangalore. This is Kambala Buffalo Racing in South India.

Read the full story here