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Mousa, Shetland Isles

The island of Mousa is a special place for several reasons, and anyone visiting Shetland during the summer months should find time to take the short boat ride from Sandsayre on ‘The Mousa Boat’.

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Liguria beyond the Cinque Terre

Riding an e-bike pedalling through the forest of the Cinque Terre national park, the sense of freedom and solitude I feel is liberating. There are the occasional tantalising glimpses of the Med and a vine terrace or two between gaps in the trees but otherwise, the silence is golden.

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Palais Amani. Fez

Palais Amani is an extraordinary experience. It is a wonderfully luxurious retreat in an ancient city that offers so much yet still hides under the shadow of Marrakech as Morocco’s destination of choice.

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Sightseeing Skyline mit Main cvisitfrankfurt Holger Ullmann

Insider guide to Frankfurt

Frankfurt is where a New York Skyscraper Skyline meets reassuring Germanic reliability. Germany’s fifth city is rapidly becoming an attractive weekend break.

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Hiroshima and the Setouchi Region Torii Gate with pilgrims

Hiroshima and the Setouchi Region

It’s dusk as I make my way down to the Motoyasu River to see the iconic Genbaku Dome, the shell of the Industrial Promotion Hall, preserved exactly as it was left after the blast.

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Iron Bloom Shoreditch

Iron Bloom Restaurant, Shoreditch

Wandering around a buzzing Shoreditch on a Friday night, it’s easy to miss Iron Bloom, thinking that it’s just of many identikit bars that are pumping out music

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