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The New Orleans School of Cooking

“This isn’t a cookery lesson, it’s a history lesson” warns Jeff, head teacher at The New Orleans School of Cooking just before launching into a demonstration that produces a perfectly formed Gumbo. “You can’t possibly expect to recreate a dish without understanding how it got here in the first place.”

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Heathrow airport Terminal 2 preview

The new Heathrow terminal 2 preview took place last week amid much excitement. it was an opportunity for many of the retailers and outlets to meet with the press and unveil their plans for the new Queens’ Terminal which opens on the 4th June 2014.

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Waldorf Astoria opens in Amsterdam

Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts has opened a new Waldorf Astoria Amsterdam. Located on the UNESCO area of Herengracht, this new luxury canalside property is comprised of six historic 17th and 18th century town houses. Once home to some of the wealthiest and most influential residents of the city, the patrician houses have been lovingly restored to create an elegant 93-room hotel steeped in history.

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Tunisia. Reinventing Itself once again.

I’m standing by a small garden wall in Tunisia looking at some flowers; a typical everyday scene you might think. And normally you would be right. But in this scene, this particular garden wall is over 5,000 years old and those particular flowers are part of an equally historic mosaic floor of a house in the ancient city of Utique, once one of the most famous Phoenician cities in Africa.

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St. Ermin’s Hotel London

It seems the good Saint Ermin of Lobbes was a man of wisdom and sanctity and a bit of a dab hand at a prophecy or two. Rather fitting then that I happened to be visiting St. Ermin’s Hotel on his Saint Day (25th April for future reference) and even more apt, it was at one time the preferred meeting place for top British secret service types including SIS and MI5, who, through their own acts of wisdom could predict more than a thing or two themselves.

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Osteria La Campanara. Galeata

Tucked away behind an unassuming alley in the tiny Italian village of Pianetto near Galeata magic happens. Believe it. A restaurant revered by the locals, almost as much as the glorious renaissance church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli that sits next door.That is the magic of Osteria La Campanara.

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