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easyJet facing a lawsuit

26/05/2020 by .
easyJet adds COVID-19 travel insurance cover

With easyJet facing a lawsuit over its recent data could be facing a huge liability claim.

A class action claim has been filed in the High Court of London against easyJet on behalf of customers impacted by the airline’s recent data breach.

The law firm filing the claim suggests the potential liability is £18 billion, or around £2,000 per impacted customer.

On the 19 May 2020, EasyJet announced that sensitive personal data of nine million customers from around the world had been exposed in a data breach. The breach itself occurred in January 2020 but law firm PGMBM says easyJet waited four months to notify its customers.

The sensitive personal data leaked included full names, email addresses and travel data that included departure dates, arrival dates and booking dates.

Tom Goodhead, PGMBM Managing Partner, said: “This is a monumental data breach and a terrible failure of responsibility that has a serious impact on easyJet’s customers. This is personal information that we trust companies with, and customers rightly expect that every effort is made to protect their privacy. Unfortunately, EasyJet has leaked sensitive personal information of nine million customers from all around of the world.”

The firm is handling the case on a no win no fee basis and has urged any easyJet passengers affected by the breach to come forward and register their claim.


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