Travel News

Kuoni Declares The Perfect Honeymoon From Latest Research

04/10/2013This entry was posted in Travel News and tagged , , on by .
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The dream honeymoon involves four days lying in the sun, temperatures of 27 degrees, two books – and three adrenaline fuelled activities according to a poll from travel company Kuoni

Researchers found that while the average Brit would like to soak up the sunshine and be showered with love and affection on their honeymoon, they also want to treat it as the ‘wish list’ of all holidays.

This means newlyweds intend to blow at least £5,000 on the honeymoon of their dreams, and spend at least a third of their 14-day break experiencing new cultures and visiting historical sites.

The average person still imagines their post-marriage trip will include candle-lit meals and champagne on arrival, but wants it coupled with action and adventure. As such, people dream of spending at least two days out of the 14 trying activities like scuba diving, zip lining, Segway’s and cage diving with sharks.

Derek Jones, managing director of travel experts Kuoni, which conducted the study of 2,000 unmarried people said: “This shows that couples still want that romantic beach idea with unparalleled service and excellent hotels in places like Mauritius and the Maldives, but they are also leaning towards a more active, cultural and authentic experience on honeymoon.

This means destinations such as Italy and Vietnam are becoming more popular choices than years ago for honeymooners.”People are no longer content with a week or two lounging around by the beach or pool, instead newly married couples are hoping for a bit of adventure, they want to learn more about the country they are visiting and return home with tales of the amazing things they have seen and done.

Researchers found that Brits would ideally travel for more than seven hours by plane to their honeymoon destination, and check into a five star hotel on arrival.

But many people also hope that once they have walked down the aisle, and finally get on their perfect honeymoon, it will be filled with romance.Indeed, the average person imagines walking along the beach hand in hand at least five times during the two week break.They also want to enjoy four candle-lit meals and share three spa treatments together. And while many people can visualise themselves being brave and trying new things on honeymoon, most want to enjoy at least eight hours of sunshine a day and spent at least a quarter of the fortnight sunbathing.



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