Travel News

Ryanair complies with statutory passenger rights. Great news for passengers.

29/09/2017 by .
Ryanair reviewing free second bag Ryanair complies with statutory passenger rights

Ryanair complies with statutory passenger rights

In response to the public outcry on its recent mass cancellations, and the resulting pressure from air regulators, Ryanair has agreed to comply with statutory passenger rights.

In a meeting today with the Irish Commission for Aviation Regulation (CAR) the troubled airline agreed to implement a series of steps to address the CAR’s requirements to ensure that all customers affected by Ryanair’s recent rostering-related flight cancellations are fully aware of their EU261 rights and entitlements. This includes full refunds, or re-accommodation onto other Ryanair flights or other comparable transport options with reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses.

ryan air Email

The steps agreed with the CAR are:


  1. Ryanair has today issued a clarification email to all affected customers outlining their rights to refunds, re-routing on Ryanair or on other comparable transport options and expenses . (See above image)


  1. Ryanair has also today issued a press release explaining to customers how and when they will be re-accommodated on other Ryanair flights or other airline flights. This press release will be displayed on the home page of Ryanair’s website .


  1. Ryanair has updated the FAQ pages of its website to reflect all of these changes.


Ryanair has also today replied to the UK CAA letter of 28 Sept, agreeing to meet its requirement for customer clarification on Ryanair’s EU261 obligations, which are in line with those requested by the CAR.




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