Restaurant Reviews

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PopUp Norge. A creative culinary journey throughout Norway.

22/04/2024 by .
Sarah Kingdom eats at PopUp Norge. Local ingredients, in the hands of skilled guest chefs, served in unique locations in Norway.

Sarah Kingdom eats at PopUp Norge. Local ingredients, in the hands of skilled guest chefs, served in unique locations in Norway.

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Manitoba Tigella London

It sounds like the Latin name for an obscure herb, but Manitoba Tigella is actually an authentic Italian restaurant freshly arrived in London’s New Oxford Street

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Adam wall Press Image

The Frog Restaurant

The Frog Restaurant is the perfect stage for Adam Handling’s extraordinary culinary creations and the new Frog by Adam Handling Covent Garden promises more of the same but for the less on-trend perhaps.

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Best Breakfasts Mobile Wintzells 14 Donna Dailey Who Ordered Libations

Best Breakfasts in Mobile

America does some of the best breakfasts in the world, and the best ones of all you’ll find in diners or other simple eating places. On a recent trip to Mobile, Alabama, I was able to find breakfast bliss in several places so here they are.

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The Vineyard Hotel Judgement of Paris Tasting Menu

Tucked away in a corner of prime Berkshire countryside may be a strange location to remember an incident that literally rocked the wine industry. Yet when you consider The Vineyard Hotel in Stockcross is pretty much all about the fruit of the vine, then it all makes sense.

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Steak frites Bearnaise at Petits Pois

Petits Pois Restaurant

In these days of clean eating, a restaurant in right-on Shoreditch actually pushing meat is a rare treat  indeed. And the deceptively-named Petits Pois, which offers that other rarely-found treat in Britain, a perfectly-cooked steak frites Bearnaise, is making the first Sunday of every month particularly attractive for carnivores, with a few extra treats some would consider beyond the pale.

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The Northall Restaurant Corinthia Hotel London

Northall Restaurant

Northall Restaurant is a triumphant celebration of British cuisine and deserves its status as the Corinthian London’s flagship restaurant. It’s no wonder

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